Saturday, November 7, 2009

Slow lately

The mail has been slow. Recent freebies:
Sat - nothing
Fri - Venom energy drink
Thur - A tea bag (cinnamon vanilla it was good!), Almond tin, and a product test for Sensodyne iso-active toothpaste. It came with 2 popsicles to eat after I try the toothpaste to see if it helps with sensitive teeth :)
Prior to Thurs I don't remember what we got except for the $30 gift card for AppleBees that I got after I filed a complaint.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Monday's Freebies

My Monday outing started with a visit to the Dr about my headaches - sooo not free, but after that I headed to Rite Aid for some rebate shopping. They had 2 packs of GE light bulbs on sale 2 for $2 with a $2 rebate so they were free (+ tax). Then they had Vaseline's new pricey little lotion on sale for $4.99 with a $4 rebate so .99 cents - except I had a $1 off coupon so it was free. Finally, they had Kotex maxi pads on sale for $2.99 with a $2 rebate - once again .99 cents, but with my $1 off coupon it was free also. So for those 4 items I just paid the tax of .88 cents! Next I went to Target, got some clearance items, but nothing free. After that I went to a pet store to get my free bag of Eukanuba puppy food. The 5lb bag was 10.99! Holy cow! I just paid the tax of .99 cents. When I got home the mail had arrived and there was a sample of Curel anti-itch lotion and Organic Gardening magazine.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Mail Call

Wed & Thur: free mags - Rifleman, Fitness, Maxim, Better Homes & Gardens, Interview

Fri: Photo postcard from hippopost, and 2 free movies from doing surveys - Big and Homeward Bound!

Sat: I got a nice product test from Allure! Two full size bottles of Clearasil face wash - one regular and one sensitive. Very nice.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Rite Aid

This week and last Rite Aid had many 'free with rebate' sales. Mostly it was cold medicine and whatnot - I love getting this stuff free because then I already have it if someone gets sick. No need to run to the store and pay full price for it when you feel crappy. If we don't use it and it expires - oh well - it was free anyhow. So I got:

Chloraseptic Allergen Block
Carmex Moist Lip care w/ SPF 15
Carmex 3 pk tube lip care
Cold Wars (to help prevent)20ct
Comtrex cold medication 30 ct
Children's Throat Cooler (kids love these, like Popsicles)-had $1 off coupon too
Sucrets cherry cough drops 18 ct
Bee MD cough drops 21 ct
BodiHeat 4 ct heat pads
Eos lip blam vanilla bean
Chloraseptic sour throat strips for kids 40 ct
LittleColds mucus relief meltaways 12 ct
Chestal cough syrup 8.45oz
Cepacol Fizzlers 12 ct
LittleColds cold medicine 1oz
Zucol cold care 18 ct
Blink Tears 15 ml

All this cost $82.51 but I will get $76.63 back (you don't get tax back) meaning all this will only cost me: $5.88!

Mail Call:
What I can remember of the recent freebies: a few free mags, a coupon for a free Chick-fil-a sandwich, a jar of Olay anti-aging cream, a coupon for a free bag of dog food, and that's all I can remember for now!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


CVS is new to our area so I'm still getting used to them and their Extra Care Bucks. However, I did make the ECBs work for me this week. First, I bought a 12 pack of Lipton green tea that was on sale for $5.99 and a pumpkin carving tool that was $1.99. I used a $7 ECB that I had from my last visit so my total with tax came to $1.76! Plus I got $2.99 EBCs back. Next I bought 2 bags of candy corn on sale for .44 cents each and a 16 count Carefree pantyliners for $3.99. I had a $1 off coupon for the pantyliners and the $2.99 ECBs so my total with tax came to $1.24! And I got $3 ECBs back.

SO I got:
12 pack tea
pumpkin carving tool
2 bags of candy corn
all for $3 ---- and got $3 back in EBCs so it was 'like getting it for free'

The tea had a coupon on it for a free liter of Lipton Sparkling tea, but I guess they don't sell that at CVS... so I guess Ill save it for another time, but that wouldve made the deal even better!

When I was in the middle of the second transaction - you know handing the guy my stack of coupons and what not - a lady got in line behind me. I could tell she was maybe a little annoyed with all my 'stuff'. But it was so great when the cashier told me "$1.24". She flinched - big time. Yes I'm sorry I made you wait a whole minute, but I'm not paying much for my items haha :)

Today I got a free facial. When I was at the Kids Fest thing at the zoo a while back all the vendors had raffles and whatnot. Really they just want to reel you in with a free gift and try to get you to buy more. So the Mary Kay lady calls and says I won the raffle! I get a free facial and a gift card to buy from the catalog. I can bring friends and they all get free facials too (of course - more people to sell to!) So my sister and I went and we got to buff and scrub and moisturize our faces and try some foundation colors. We exfoliated our lips and hands and tested perfumes. We bought nothing, except I used my gift card. She wants us to come back and she will do our makeovers - woo hoo!

Mail Call:

Thurs: Free mags - Wood and Prevention
Fri: Free mag - Ladies Home Journal (it had a sample of eye cream in it!)
Sat: I dont remember
Mon: non mail day :(
Tue: Childrens Zyrtec BzzKit - came with a box of the Zyrtec(10 doses) and coupons to pass out, a sample of a creme to make bruises go away, and something else that came in a padded envelope, but for the life of me I cant remember what it was?
Wed: Free mag - Body & Soul

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Hump Day

We only got free mags and junk in the mail today. It was a Parents and 7X7.

At Target I got some clearance items: 2 little boy t-shirts for $2 each. A pair of jeans for my brothers BD $11 and a pair of khaki for the other brothers BD $8.

At Walgreen's I got a Gillette Fusion razor and 16 Halloween pencils for .99 cents + tax. I used a $4 coupon for the razor, $2 coupon for the pencils, and a $6 Register Reward. I also got another $6 RR for buying the razor.
Then I got 3 packages of Pop Tarts (a good sale!), a thing of dried apricots (yum), and an 8oz Purell hand sanitizer for $2.98 + tax. I used the $6 RR on this and got another $2 RR from the Purell.

Walgreen's had a coupon good only on Wed for a DVD 'movie' made from your pictures and set to music - normally $19.99 - only $1! I didn't look at the ad until Mon so I only had 2 days to prepare my photos. Plus I've been feeling a little sick, so I just really quickly picked out about 75 pics and made a little movie of the grand-kids for my mom for Christmas. If I had more time I could've made it really cool, but hey for a dollar its not too bad :)

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Finally a good mail day!

Sat was junk and Mon we got NOTHING! That rarely, if ever happens. So I was ready to get something today and (lucky for the mailman) I did get stuff! I got a sample of Secret Clinical Strength deodorant. Ive used it before I like it a lot. And I got my buzzkit for the new Softsoap Nutri Serums bodywash. It came with 7 cute little bottles of the bodywash and coupons to pass out to my friends.

Saturday we went to the zoo. We have a membership we got as a gift so the visit was free - except the $3 it takes to park. They were having an event called "Kids Fest". Basically it was just a bunch of vendors looking for business, but most were handing out freebies. We got colorbooks, pencils, pens, a cup, notepads, candy, toys, books, bandaids, outlet covers, tatoos, facepainting and coupons galore. Many of the coupons were for free kids meals or buy one get one items. Best part though was SpongeBob was there taking pics with the kiddos:

Mark - the biggest SpongeBob fan I've ever met - seems unsure about this huge invertebrate

After the zoo I went to Walgreens to finish my register rewards shopping for the week. Nothing was free, I paid $2-3 for each, but all stuff we could used. I got a Gillette Fusion razor, a Venus Divine razor, and a Vaseline lotion.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Rite Aid and a flu shot

First off mail call:
Tue = nada :(
Wed = A huggies diaper and a mint tea bag (it was yummy tea)
Thur = One of my survey companies sent me a gift - a weird bottle/can opener. UPS brought my CakeWrecks book! Yea! I got this free using an Amazon gift card I got for doing a survey.
Fri = Nothing too exciting - just a packet from a survey company for their annual food survey. I will get to pick a prize when I finish it.

This morning I went to Target to get my free flu shot. This yr they are giving them free to all team members! I also got some good deals - I got my sister 2 shirts for her b-day for $2.48 each and my brother a t-shirt for $3.69. There were a few other clearance items I picked up and I got a bottle of Palmolive for $2.76 used a .75 coupon and will get the $2.76 back with a mail-in-rebate :)

Next I went to Rite Aid. They had the Gillette Fusion razor for $9 with a $5 rebate. I had a $4 coupon too so in the end it will be free (except tax). They also had Softsoap bodywash for $3.99 and I used a Rite Aid coupon for $2 off and a manufactures coupon for $1 off so it came to .99 cents, but... I bought an Oral B toothbrush for $2.69 that had a $2.69 rebate = free. Except I had a $1 off coupon for the toothbrush so I only paid $1.69, but will get the full $2.69 back. That extra dollar takes care of the .99 cents for the bodywash so the whole shopping trip ends up being free! (except for that silly tax business)

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

I think cashiers hate me...

The mail on Friday and Saturday was lame - no freebies! Monday was better though, I got a free lip gloss from eos - weird little egg shaped thing. I also got my rebate check from Rite Aid for $8.97 and a new discount card from Target, we get an extra 10% off Target brand stuff in October!

Yesterday, I went to CVS and bought a Gillette Fusion razor for Chris. It was 9.99 and I had a $4 coupon so I came to $6.89 and I got $5 back in Extra Care Bucks. Not too impressive, but he needs razors so... Then I used that $5 ECB to buy Vaseline lotion which was crazy priced at $7.99! (who buys that really?) Anyways, after the coupon I paid $3.71 and got $7 ECB back for my next trip.

Walgreen's had many Register Rewards deals this week so I mapped out my game plan which came to 9 transactions total! Even I am a little embarrassed to do that many at once so I decided to split them up. So I did 5 and will do the others later this week. First I got Herbal Essence hair spray for $2.99 with $1 off RR so I paid $2.26. Not great, but I can always use hair spray. Of course I got a RR back too - for $2. I used that to buy some Robitussin To Go for $2.49 which came to $.71 and I got a $2.50 RR. Next, I got a thing of Chapstick for $2.99 with the $2.50 RR came to $.76 and I got another RR for $3. I used that to buy an Oral B toothbrush for $3 and paid $.27 and got a $3 RR. Finally I bought a 2 pk of Emergen-C immunity shots for $3.49 with the total coming to $.80 after the RR and received yet another RR for $3.50 which I will use when I go back. The cashier seemed relieved I was done.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Free Bread!

I almost forgot! I got my free 5 cheese french bread yesterday - yippie! The Schwans guy came and delivered it to my door. This was from a promotion the were doing in August where you could order anything $10 and under and they would deliver it to you all for free! Took a while to get here ( of course my mom and brother got theirs weeks ago, even though I placed all 3 orders the same day!) but I'm not complaining - it came and it was free :)

More Fun with Register Rewards!

Yesterday I went to Walgreen's with a $3 Register Reward I had from the last time.
They had a sale on Crest toothpaste and Oral-B toothbrushes - 2 for $4. I also had a coupon for buy one get one on the toothbrushes, but if I only purchased the 2 brushes with the coupon my total would've been less than my $3 RR. So... I bought the 2 brushes (BOGO) and a toothpaste (.50 coupon) Then used my RR and the total came to .50 + tax! And of course I received another $2 RR.

I then bought a Thermacare Heat Wrap for $2.49 using the RR and the total was .49 + tax. And I got a RR for $2.50

Next, I got an Aussie hair mousse for $2.99 with the RR came to .49 + tax and I got another RR for $2.

Finally, M&Ms were on sale 2 bags for $5. I got one reg and one peanut butter (yum!). I am not sure what happened during the transaction, but I think the cashier maybe made a mistake because my receipt says there were two $2 RR used. I only remember having one at that point? Anyhow the total for the candy came to $1. I also a $1 RR for my next visit.

2 toothbrushes
heat wrap
2 bags of M&Ms
= $3.51
(if it weren't for our high sales tax this would've been an even better deal - one whole dollar of that was tax!)

Mail Call:
Wed: Total Blueberry Pomegranate cereal sample
Thurs: Bear Naked Granola sample and free mags - ReadyMade and Maxim

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


In the mail: A free Fancy Feast Appetizer. The cats devoured it and I have to say as far as cat food goes, it didnt look too bad! Also got a sample of Burts Bees acne solution - it smells really bad.

At Target: I used some free coupons and got my 18 pack of Always Infinite and a box of Lipton iced tea bags.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Friday, Saturday, and Mondays mail freebies included:
-Free mags: Body&Soul, Better Homes & Gardens, Seventeen, Fitness, and Family Fun.
-A sample of Homey Nut Cheerios
-A sample of ZunSpot - a cream that's supposed to help with sun spots cant wait to try it!
-A letter from the people who are conducting the radio survey I am doing and there were 2 dollar bills in it! So far that's $7 they have sent me for this one survey :)
-A box of cereal for a product test I am doing. Its kinda funny looking because its just a plain white box with a big black letter 'J' on the front. Its a raisin bran, not sure which brand - but its pretty tasty!
-My Aveeno Buzzkit. I am testing and then spreading the word about the new Aveeno Nourish+ shampoos and conditioners. I got a full size bottle of each to try and lots of samples and coupons to pass out to friends. Very nice kit.
-Rebate checks: one was from a Gerber product for $3.49 and the other said it was from Rubbermaid for $3.99, but I dont remember buying any Rubbermaid products?
-Two greeting cards, a sample from Walmart.

Saturdays newspaper came in a bag that had 2 sample size boxes of Cheerios - 1 multi-grain and 1 banana nut.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Tuesday: In the mail I got a big sample pack that had 1 Always Infinite pad, 2 Always liners, 1 feminine wipe, and 3 tampons. Best of all it had a coupon for a free 18 count box of Always Infinite! (these are nearly $8) I cant remember what else I got that day.

Wednesday: In the mail I got a sample of Gain w/ Febreze, another Always Infinite pad and 1 liner - some new kind that can be worn with any kind of undies, and a sample box of Kashi Blueberry Clusters (quite tasty).

Thursday: In the mail I got a Luna nutritional bar - nutz over chocolate. At Target I got a bag of popcorn and a soda for free! The popcorn/soda combo is on sale this week for $1 and I happened to have a coupon for $1 off anything at Target Cafe - it was yummy and free, yeah! Not free, but a good deal... I found a button down linen shirt for my brother (his bd's next month) for only $3!
My mom came over and she gave me her 2 samples of Gain that I had sent to her addresses - she has a HE machine and cant use them, but I will!

Friday: I went to Walgreens to use my Register Rewards...
1st: Bought Marine ear wax removal kit for $6 and used a $4 RR - total was $2.54 got a $6 RR
2nd: Bought 2 Scope mouthwashes (25.40 oz each) for $8 using $6 RR = $2.72 got a $5 RR
3rd: Bought a Colgate toothbrush and Colgate toothpaste for $5 used $5 RR = .45 cents + $1 RR
4th: Bought True North pecan & walnut? nut clusters for $3 used $1 RR came to $2 got a $3 RR

So I paid $7.71 for it all and still have a $3 RR for next time

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Mail Call

Wed: Nestle coupon book and two Metamucil samples - pink lemonade and clear
Thur: Kiwi mag, No Doz, and two Emergen-C samples - pink lemonade and cherry pomegranate
Fri: Garden&Gun and Parents mags
Sat: Elle Decor mag and coupons from WinCo - 4 items completely free!
Mon: Blueberry muffin PopTarts (2), survey check for $14.80, Radio survey with $4 in it

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Not much really

In Saturdays mail I got a survey about radio stations and they had enclosed a dollar! WooHoo!
Tuesdays mail had a free mag - Ladies Home Journal

Friday, September 4, 2009

What I can remember...

I doubt I can remember everything from the past week, but it has been slow...

In the mail I've gotten several free mags: Interview, 7X7 ( a SF mag), More... maybe some others?

I got a package with a mini Scope mouthwash, Crest toothpaste and some floss picks. There was also a package with a Fiber One bar and cereal sample. I got a coupon for free Lipton tea bags.

I got some some great deals at WinCo. They opened a new store so they sent special coupons out in the mail. I got 3 boxes of Kraft mac& cheese for .38 cents a box. Two bags of Lays potato chips for .98 cents a bag. Canned veggies were like .28 cents a can. A 24 pack of Dr Pepper for 3 something. Quilted Northern 12 pack for $2.98. Bacon was .99 cents a pound. There might have been more, but this was about 5 days ago so .....

I also got some ok deals at Walgreens. In short, I got a Colgate toothbrush, a tube of Rembrant toothpaste, Carefree liners, and Theraflu all for $8.16 and they gave me $7 back in Register Rewards.

We were going to go to the Fresno Met for free admission tonight, but one of the kiddos came down with a cold so we skipped it :(

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Not an exciting mail week... free things so far: Tue - Wood mag. Wed - collapsible pet dish for on the go. Thurs - Lego mag.

I went to Walgreens today and bought 2 boxes of Cheez-its, 1 Keebler fudge stripe cookies, and 1 box of Club crackers. They were 4 for $10 (not a super deal in my opinion) but I had $2 in Register Rewards I used so I paid $8. Then I got $5 back in RR. I then bought 2 boxes of cereal (Fruit Loops & Frosted Flakes) that were on sale 2 for $5 (again not a super deal) but used my $5 RR and got them for free. And I got $2 more in RR for next time. So...

4 boxes of crackers/cookies
2 boxes of cereal


OK deal + now I have lots of snacks hehehe

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

This Weekend

Friday's mail freebies: Fitness and Kraft Family & Food mags, and a sample of Kashi Honey Sunshine cereal with a coupon for a free box!

Free stuff in Saturdays mail: rebate check from Rite Aid, Remedy mag, a survey with a $1 bill in it, and an Easy Ups potty training kit.

Went to Target on Sat and got my free box of Kashi cereal, a free Glade candle (coupon from Sunday paper), and a free 3 pack of Gerber Graduates Smart Sips (with rebate).

Only 2 freebies in Mondays mail: Better Homes and Garden mag and Oxy face wash sample.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Not Much

Mail freebies:
Wednesday - 4 packets of Ideal sugar substitute
Thursday - Easy ups potty training kit, coupon for free Venom energy drink, and Family Fun mag

Not free, but some good deals out shopping: I got a bag of Cheetos and a 1.5 liter Lipton green tea for $1.59 at Vons. It rang up to almost $5 before the Vons club kicked in! Wow...

At Target I used my gift card I got for free from MyPoints and my two discounts and got $25 of stuff for $11.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Had a good 'ol time at Walgreens

I had to do 3 transactions to get my deals, but well worth it.

First, I bought three 12 packs (2 Dr Pepper, 1 A&W). They were on sale and then I had $8 in Register Rewards so I paid with tax and CRV: $3.34. On top of that I got $3 back in more RR.

Second, I got a Softsoap bodywash for $3.99 and used the $3 RR I got from the sodas, so I paid $1.35 and got a $4 RR back.

Finally, I bought a Conair brush and a snorkel for the kid and used the $4 RR I got from the bodywash so my total came to $3.88 and I got another RR for $2 to use the next time I go to Walgreens!

Grand total:
3-12 packs
= $8.57 + $2 RR :)

Monday in the mail I got these freebies: $10 Target gift card from MyPoints, Parents mag, and a bunch of coupons for the new Bounce dryer bar.

Tuesday's mail freebie: Maxim mag

Saturday, August 15, 2009

I got free stuff and I wasn't even trying!

Today I took the boys and headed over to DD's Discounts because they were having a drawing for 2 free laptops. You had to be present to win which always helps your chances since only those who show up can win. We, however, didn't win. I was trying to look around the store for some bargains, but the boys were being absolutely horrible (I think Mark was tired). So we left and went to Savemart to get bread. I had a moment of weakness and got a tub of ice cream too. But the best part was a lady giving away free samples! I got a sample of fabric softener and two bottles of all-purpose cleanser, one pine and one lavender scent. The bottles were about 9 oz each. Very nice samples!

We went to the library next and then to Rite Aid where they had Scotch pop-up tape free with rebate. I had $1 off coupon for the tape so I paid (with tax) $1.71 but I will get $2.49 back for the rebate! Woohoo! They paid ME to buy the tape. Love it :)

Finally, while we in the parking lot at SaveMart a man gave us a flier and said if we went to the church across the street they were giving kids a backpack filled with school supplies for free! So we went and Jesse got a new backpack with a pack of crayons, a pack of markers, 2 pencils, 2 erasers, 1 pen, a folder and a pack of loose leaf paper! Very cool and very generous of the church!

In the mail I got two free packets of PureVia sweetener.

Friday, August 14, 2009


On Wednesday I took the boys to Blackbeards Family Fun Center to use all the coupons we had. First, they played mini golf with free passes they had (I just watched). Then we went to the kiddie rideland and used up all the tickets they had leftover from a birthday party and I had a coupon for two free rides - so I think they each got to go on four rides. Finally, we down the waterslides a few times to use up an old pass I had from a few years ago. They had a blast and it was all free!

In the mail Wednesday I got a pack of free tampons (3). Thursday I got nothing free in the mail - boo :(

I did get some good deals on Thursday though... at Target I got two pairs of shoes and a thing of apple juice for 12 bucks. At Walgreens I bought a Jergens lotion and Colgate toothpaste for $5.34 and got $8 back in register rewards!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The Zoo

Today I took the boys to the zoo. My friend and her two boys came along too. We have a membership (that was a gift to us) so we got in free. Only had to pay the $3 entrance fee to the park. I had a free pass for my friend too, so she only had to pay for her boys. It was really hot out there today, but we still had fun!

Only thing free in the mail today was a really cool reusable grocery bag. It has insulated lining for keeping your cold stuff cold! It was a thank you gift from one of my survey companies.

Monday, August 10, 2009


Today and Saturdays mail was mostly free mags: Elle Decor, Ladies Home Journal, Seventeen, and Body&Soul.

I went to the dollar store today and then stopped by Rite Aid and Walgreens cause they were on the way home and both had free stuff, but of course they were out of the free stuff. Dangit. I will try again later this week I guess...

Friday, August 7, 2009

The Met

Today I took the boys to the Fresno Metropolitan Museum because they had free admission from 5-8 pm. The boys had a blast at the Bob the Builder exhibit with lots of hands on activities. We also went to the free lunch today.

Vons had a decent sale: buy two 12 packs of Pepsi products and get three 12 packs free + a free bag of Tostitos. Not bad. Not free, but not bad.

The last few days of freebies in the mail:

Wed: Bodycology lotion sample
An overnight pad
Prevention mag
$10 off a $10+ purchase @JC Pennys

Thur: Nivea bodywash sample
Platex tampons (3)

Fri: ReadyMade mag

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

At the store...

Went shopping today and got 2 cans of dog food free with coupons. Yeah I don't have a dog or anything, but I know people who do! I also got a box of CocoaNilla Rice Krispies and a bottle of Axe shampoo free with coupons.

In the mail I got a diaper and a sample of Nivea body wash for men.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Rite Aid

Got some stuff free with rebate today @ Rite Aid:
2pk light bulbs $2 - get $2 back
Werthers candy $2.99 - get $2.99 back
Clear packing tape $1.49 - get $1.49 back

so I will only end up paying the tax (.31 cents) for it all :)

In the mail today I got two 6 packs of instant coffee singles in flavors and 2 Splenda flavors packets.

Sunday, August 2, 2009


Today I went to Walgreens and got a 2 pack of toothbrushes for $3.49 and they gave me a $3.50 Register Rewards coupon. So I immediately bought a bottle of shampoo for $3.99 using the coupon brought it down to .49 cents plus tax! Plus I got another RR for $4 for my next purchase - not free but a nice deal.

Saturday, August 1, 2009


Friday's mail wasn't too exciting -- got some PETA stickers for the kiddos (these are funny) "I'm not a nugget" says a chicken... 'Pigs are friends not food' hehe... also got a survey to fill out and return and they stuck a dollar bill in there for me woo hoo! The boys also had their free lunch.

BUT.... the best freebie on Friday was PG&E coming to do weatherization! He did a whole bunch of stuff like:
New water efficient shower heads
New screens and all the sinks
New energy efficient light bulbs
A new light fixture in the entry way
A new light fixture in the back yard thats on a sensor
Patched all holes in walls (we had a few)
Put weather stripping on all doors going outside
A window a/c unit
Put foam padding on inside of all light switched/outlets
Tested all gas appliances for leaks
Did carbon monoxide test

And all that was free! If our fridge was 2 yrs older we would've gotten a new one too, but oh well we should save some money and energy with all that they did!

Saturday I donated blood and got a free t-shirt and quart of Baskin Robbins ice cream - yum! Of course I also pigged out on all the snacks at the blood bank too. Not much in the mail today, just a coupon for Luvs and a coupon for a free Gardin Meal? I think its a meatless frozen entree thing - we will see I guess.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Mail Call

Wednesday's Mail Freebies:
-7X7 San Francisco mag
-Carefree bag to hold liners
-a Luvs diaper w/ coupon
-Head & Shoulders shampoo/conditioner samples
-Charmin wipes

Thursday's Mail Freebies:
-Rohto redness relief eye drops
-MotorTrend mag

Also today I went to Walgreens and got some hair clips that are free with rebate plus I had $1 coupon so they will pay me in the end... hehehe...

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Free Movie!

This morning I took the boys to a free movie. Its called the Family Film Festival or something like that... every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday @ 10 they show an older film for free! We saw Horton Hear a Who which was really cute. I was using this as a test for Mark to see how he would do at the movies and he did very well. I took the candy I got for free yesterday so he had that to munch on and kept him busy :) I also took them to the free lunch, but I think they were still full from the candy cause they brought most of it home for later.

In the mail I got free Kotex - 2 overnight pads, and one liner. I also got a special discount card for work to use in August. We get an extra 10% off Target brand, and all clothes, shoes, accessory's... yeah!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Extra Care Bucks

The boys had free breakfast this morning then we headed to the library. We went back for lunch, but the place was PACKED! They had run out of lunches and poor Mark was devastated, crying for milk. Poor baby.

So we went to CVS instead. I bought push pins for .99 cents - got .99 cents in 'Extra Care Bucks'.
A toothbrush that was $2.88 with $2 back in ECB and a .75cent coupon, finally, Herbal Essence hair spray that was $2.99 with $1 back in ECB and I had a coupon for buy one get one free so I got 2 hairsprays. All this came to about $5 after tax and I got $3.99 in ECB's.

We went straight to the candy aisle to get goodies for the movies tomorrow. We got three packages that totaled $2.99 but it was free thanks to the ECB's and I still have $1 left :)

In the mail I got a cute little bottle of Natures Source Scrubbing Bubbles All-Purpose cleaner, a thermometer, and a coupon for a free box of Rice Krispies

Saturday, July 25, 2009


I went to Blockbuster to redeem my free movie coupons. I decided on two movies for the kids: Marley & Me and Wall-e. There were two movies I would've liked for myself (The Dark Knight & The Departed) but I figured if I got those I couldn't watch them when the kids were awake so I would rarely watch them...

Then I went to Walgreen's and bought a 2 pack of my favorite pens that was on sale for a dollar, then they gave me a dollar in 'register rewards' so it was 'like' getting it for free. I guess.

The only freebie in the mail today was a Maxim mag - but it had a coupon for free Axe shampoo or conditioner in it! I also got an invite to a luncheon for bone marrow donors @ Neptune's Palace in SF... not sure if I will go yet.

Friday, July 24, 2009

I Scream, You Scream...

I went to the store today and got my free pint of Starbucks ice cream. I cant figure out why anyone would pay $4.50 for two bites of ice cream, but whatever, it was free to me!

Fed Ex dropped off my free quart of paint this morning!!! I cant wait to test it out tomorrow. It must have cost the company a small fortune to ship all those free quarts via Fed Ex.

In the mail I got a rebate check from Rite Aid and two coupons for previously viewed movies @ Blockbuster (from doing surveys).

I also got a $15 Amazon GC (via email) for doing a survey and I used it to pre-order the Cake Wrecks book. It doesn't come out till fall so I have to wait a while, but it should be good!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

So far this week...

has been pretty lame in the freebie department. Mail has been mostly junk... I think we got a few free mags, some tampons, a pen and that's all I remember :) Wednesday we went to the zoo, which was mostly free thanks to the membership we received as a gift. All we paid for was the $3 to get into the park and the gas. The boys had free breakfast today, but we had missed it the last couple of days. Here's hoping for a good mail day today!

Update: Not too shabby of a mail day! I got a full roll of Scott toilet paper with a sample pack of wipes and a coupon for a free pint of Starbucks ice cream - yum! Also got a free mag too.

Monday, July 20, 2009


Normally Mondays tend to be good mail days... all I got today was junk. There was a free Lego magazine and free 'Cars' decals for the boys. The Cars stickers were really quite nice - 4 pages of BIG decals. The boys also got their free lunch. I did use $3.50 worth of 'Extra Care Bucks' @ CVS to help buy cough syrup. Didn't make it free though!

Sunday I got a free poster after the Counting Crows concert. I paid $40 for the ticket so it doesn't seem all that exciting :)

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Blah end to the week...

I swear something is up with the mail. This has been the worst mail week in long time. Today the only sample was a granola bar. And there were no other freebies today either... I got some deals at Target but that's it. Hopefully next week will be better.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Good breakfast freebie

A few weeks back they gave us a coupon at work for Marie Calendars. It wasn't completely free, but if you bought a beverage you got a free breakfast entree. So since Jesse had a doctors appointment this morning out that way went there first. I ordered a coffee and got the country fried steak meal for free! It was so much food the 3 of us couldn't finish it! There was eggs and hash browns and two huge pancakes! So anyways not completely free, but one heck of a deal.

The boys also went to free lunch and the mail sucked - all junk. I'm thinking the mailman is taking my samples cause this week has sucked mail-wise.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The Last two days...

Tuesday morning the boys had their free breakfast. For lunch we headed to Long John Silvers to get our free fish tacos. Apparently, only stand alone LJS's had fish tacos. All the combo restaurants were offering free Taco Bell tacos instead. So we had 3 reg tacos... still free still good! The boys had the free lunches too...

For dinner we went to Wienerschnitzel (they were offering either free chili dogs or free cones). Chris got a chili dog, the rest of us had cones! Yum!

The mail wasn't great that day.

Today we went to the lake and all we paid for was gas and $5 to get into the day use area. Cheap thrill for a lovely day :) In the mail I got 2 free mags: Seventeen and Prevention... so far its been a slow mail week.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Morning of Freebies

A few weeks ago I read an article in the paper about the summer free lunch program. Basically its just an extension of the free lunch program in the schools, but it is open to anyone 18 and under and they give the lunches away at schools, parks and churches. I had heard of this program before and thought about checking it out but never did. This article, however, mentioned they had low turnout for the free lunches and were in danger of losing the federal funding. So I figure its my civic duty to take my kids down to park and check it out :) It doesn't look like great food ( we are talking 'school lunches' here ) but the boys seem to like it so we have been going to lunch and now breakfast too for a couple of weeks...

So anyways, that leads into the free morning outing we had:

Free breakfast for the boys @ the park (cereal, milk, apple juice)
Free sample of McDonald's Iced Mocha ( which wasn't iced - it was luke warm, yum)
Free sausage muffin and free cheeseburger from Burger King (instant wins from contest)
Free books from library

and then back to the park for
Free lunch (sandwich, milk, crackers, fruit, and veggie)

In the mail I got two free magazines: Family Fun and Parents, a Carefree liner, and a test strip to see if you have hard water.

My mom got the free quart of paint I had sent to her house... still haven't gotten mine :(