Friday, August 14, 2009


On Wednesday I took the boys to Blackbeards Family Fun Center to use all the coupons we had. First, they played mini golf with free passes they had (I just watched). Then we went to the kiddie rideland and used up all the tickets they had leftover from a birthday party and I had a coupon for two free rides - so I think they each got to go on four rides. Finally, we down the waterslides a few times to use up an old pass I had from a few years ago. They had a blast and it was all free!

In the mail Wednesday I got a pack of free tampons (3). Thursday I got nothing free in the mail - boo :(

I did get some good deals on Thursday though... at Target I got two pairs of shoes and a thing of apple juice for 12 bucks. At Walgreens I bought a Jergens lotion and Colgate toothpaste for $5.34 and got $8 back in register rewards!

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