Saturday, August 1, 2009


Friday's mail wasn't too exciting -- got some PETA stickers for the kiddos (these are funny) "I'm not a nugget" says a chicken... 'Pigs are friends not food' hehe... also got a survey to fill out and return and they stuck a dollar bill in there for me woo hoo! The boys also had their free lunch.

BUT.... the best freebie on Friday was PG&E coming to do weatherization! He did a whole bunch of stuff like:
New water efficient shower heads
New screens and all the sinks
New energy efficient light bulbs
A new light fixture in the entry way
A new light fixture in the back yard thats on a sensor
Patched all holes in walls (we had a few)
Put weather stripping on all doors going outside
A window a/c unit
Put foam padding on inside of all light switched/outlets
Tested all gas appliances for leaks
Did carbon monoxide test

And all that was free! If our fridge was 2 yrs older we would've gotten a new one too, but oh well we should save some money and energy with all that they did!

Saturday I donated blood and got a free t-shirt and quart of Baskin Robbins ice cream - yum! Of course I also pigged out on all the snacks at the blood bank too. Not much in the mail today, just a coupon for Luvs and a coupon for a free Gardin Meal? I think its a meatless frozen entree thing - we will see I guess.

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