Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Finally a good mail day!

Sat was junk and Mon we got NOTHING! That rarely, if ever happens. So I was ready to get something today and (lucky for the mailman) I did get stuff! I got a sample of Secret Clinical Strength deodorant. Ive used it before I like it a lot. And I got my buzzkit for the new Softsoap Nutri Serums bodywash. It came with 7 cute little bottles of the bodywash and coupons to pass out to my friends.

Saturday we went to the zoo. We have a membership we got as a gift so the visit was free - except the $3 it takes to park. They were having an event called "Kids Fest". Basically it was just a bunch of vendors looking for business, but most were handing out freebies. We got colorbooks, pencils, pens, a cup, notepads, candy, toys, books, bandaids, outlet covers, tatoos, facepainting and coupons galore. Many of the coupons were for free kids meals or buy one get one items. Best part though was SpongeBob was there taking pics with the kiddos:

Mark - the biggest SpongeBob fan I've ever met - seems unsure about this huge invertebrate

After the zoo I went to Walgreens to finish my register rewards shopping for the week. Nothing was free, I paid $2-3 for each, but all stuff we could used. I got a Gillette Fusion razor, a Venus Divine razor, and a Vaseline lotion.

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