Friday, October 2, 2009

Rite Aid and a flu shot

First off mail call:
Tue = nada :(
Wed = A huggies diaper and a mint tea bag (it was yummy tea)
Thur = One of my survey companies sent me a gift - a weird bottle/can opener. UPS brought my CakeWrecks book! Yea! I got this free using an Amazon gift card I got for doing a survey.
Fri = Nothing too exciting - just a packet from a survey company for their annual food survey. I will get to pick a prize when I finish it.

This morning I went to Target to get my free flu shot. This yr they are giving them free to all team members! I also got some good deals - I got my sister 2 shirts for her b-day for $2.48 each and my brother a t-shirt for $3.69. There were a few other clearance items I picked up and I got a bottle of Palmolive for $2.76 used a .75 coupon and will get the $2.76 back with a mail-in-rebate :)

Next I went to Rite Aid. They had the Gillette Fusion razor for $9 with a $5 rebate. I had a $4 coupon too so in the end it will be free (except tax). They also had Softsoap bodywash for $3.99 and I used a Rite Aid coupon for $2 off and a manufactures coupon for $1 off so it came to .99 cents, but... I bought an Oral B toothbrush for $2.69 that had a $2.69 rebate = free. Except I had a $1 off coupon for the toothbrush so I only paid $1.69, but will get the full $2.69 back. That extra dollar takes care of the .99 cents for the bodywash so the whole shopping trip ends up being free! (except for that silly tax business)

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